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Inspire and Energize Young Leaders 

Cultivate Kindness, Inclusion, and Respect...

through a Laughfest with Substance

Highly-Engaging Keynotes and Workshops for Youth Conferences and Leadership Events

Laugh-filled, POSITIVE, family-friendly, FUN, and crowd-pleasing programs emphasizing:

•  a culture of KINDNESS
•  starting with YES
•  DIVERSITY as a key strength of community & success

• Positive, healthy choices (addressing the dangers of vaping, alcohol, and other drugs)


Kevin’s hilariously effective programs spread a contagiously-positive, unforgettable mindset that inspires educators to create and maintain inclusive, positive, productive environments in the classroom and beyond. His trademark “Choose ALOHA” philosophy helps us reconnect with the simple and essential wisdom we too often forget. Kevin brings audiences together at all levels: mentor to youth, colleague to colleague, teacher to student, coach to athlete, peer to peer, youth to youth.


Audiences leave Kevin's programs with a sense that they are not alone, that they matter; a heightened sense of personal awareness; a new appreciation for differences and commonalities; and excitement about fulfilling their potential in your organization and beyond.

Conference Keynote

When Kevin presents his stellar keynote program for youth leaders and advisors, an amazing transformation takes place: the audience members let down their walls, and stereotypes are broken.

Kevin's rollercoaster-of-a-ride, substantive, comedic presentations promote kindness, community, respect for diversity, positive choices, and personal authenticity and responsibility. It's a comedy show with substance!

Youth Leader Workshops to follow the keynote

Kevin’s empowering, fun, and interactive student leadership workshops celebrate, inspire, and promote student leadership while sharing a variety of fun and effective fundraising and spirit ideas sure to enhance group efforts throughout the year.

Choose a leadership training from one to four hours long (for pricing, each hour represents one program).

Advisor Breakout Sessions

Kevin’s unique and engaging advisor breakout sessions are a great way to share a message of respect and loving acceptance with advisors and support staff.

“Kevin Wanzer, simply put, is a dynamic public speaker. He moves an audience through laughter and touches their heart through his message. Kevin is a man for all ages and stages.”

–Hugh O’Brian, actor and founder of Hugh O’Brian Youth Institute (HOBY)

Student Officer Diversity Training

This hour-long program engages everyone…even the “un-engageable,” and provides a unique experience that enhances personal awareness of how differences impact who we are. The powerfully impactful and memorable workshop inspires lasting appreciation, sensitivity, and respect for the diversity in our communities.

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Direct (317) 260-6642     •     Choose to Love, LLC     •     2020 Idlewood Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240

Copyright 2015-2025 by C. Kevin Wanzer and Choose to Love, LLC

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